Friday, February 27, 2009

Oh how I miss you...

Hello my name is Shea and I am a Pinkberry addict. It's been too many weeks to count since my last Pinkberry. I went to check my friend Stacy's blog and there it was...a picture of Pinkberry staring me in the face. It brought back so many memories of meeting my Aunt Shirley and cousin Stephanie at Dos Lagos for lunch and a Pinkberry. Oh, I can taste it now...a medium original pomegranate swirl with fresh strawberries, moist coconut, and crunchy almond slivers! We'll one can dream can't they?

Here is the culprit...


It has been only 9 days since Addison's surgery and I am amazed at how well her incision is healing. Thanks to the Lord who guided Dr. Baileys as he cut our baby open, fixed her, then closed her back up with a strong and steady hand. Each day is a pleasant surprise as I wake up in the morning and peek at her scar with her morning diaper change.

Look how beautiful it is healing! The little one is from the drainage tube.

Here is her neck from the I.V. Looking good too!

Last night I put her in a pair of Ralph Lauren jammies that used to be Peyton's (back in the day when I could afford Nordstrom). These are one of my favorites because they have the flap in the back. Here she is modeling them...

I have noticed a lot of upper body strength on this little lady since surgery. She started reaching for her toys on her bouncy seat and pulling herself up as well as supporting herself more while sitting up. She is not ready to sit up alone but I don't think she's too far away. Here she is "sitting up", actually leaning forward to love on her bunny. Mom or Dad kept a hand on her back...just in case.

Stir Crazy

Is that what they call it when you are stuck in the house and can't get out??? If so, that is what I SOOooooo when Addison is napping I have become a big fan of Etsy! I NEVER post this kind of stuff but cute are these? They are made by a seller called Paper Ramma and are little round Mommy calling cards that you can carry on your purse or diaper bag! Haven't you ever been out and about when you run into an old friend you haven't seen in forever or just make a connection with another mom but when you go to exchange information you have nothing to write on or with. What do you end up using the back of an old receipt or tearing off the little piece of your deposit slip with your info on it. The adorable little calling cards are perfect for that very reason and they come with a super cute case. I just love this idea.

See how cute they are...

This one is a profile of YOUR child!

I also love a good bargain, and this my friends is a great deal. This seller, Little Blue Bird Studios; has cleverly taken a scrabble tile and turned it into a piece of jewelry to be worn on a necklace. She even has one that she will customize with YOUR child's photo that you are sure to cherish! They're great for all ages and you can't beat the price either. Hey Dad's...Mother's day is coming up (wink wink).

Something for Mom, Auntie, Grandma with a photo...

Something for your Daughter, Niece, Granddaughter...

Something for yourself...

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

One week

It's hard believe it's already been a week since surgery. What was once a big scary day is quickly becoming a memory. At Addison's appointment Monday the nurse practitioner said she was doing well and no longer heard a murmur (yeah). As I barely recall our conversation after the surgery with Dr. Bailey due to the fact that all I could think about was getting to my baby I faintly remember him saying something about the hole being enormous. I asked Jennifer (the NP) about this and she confirmed that it was much larger than anticipated. Basically there was no division of the upper chambers...just one big ole' hole! Holy Cow!!! It is a miracle and a blessing the way all the events took place. We are blessed to have such an awesome God who is a healer and protector. With this ginormous hole Addison showed no signs nor suffered in any way. Her oxygen levels were great, she never turned blue, never had a problem eating, although petite she is very healthy, she had several colds but never caught pneumonia (which is common with sever ASD's), she was perfect in every way (except the big hole in her heart). That my friends, is the work of God.

Here are some pic of Addie today...

Monday, February 23, 2009

On the road to recovery.

It has been 5 days since Addison's open-heart surgery and she is doing so great. We are so proud of our brave little girl...what a trooper. It is amazing how well children recover, not like us old folks who nurse every little bump and bruise like we'll never be the same She has a check up with Bailey's Nurse Practitioner this morning to follow up and check how her incision is healing. I think she looks pretty good. What do you think?

Her incision after 4 days

Her neck from the I.V.

Her belly from the drainage tube

Sunday, February 22, 2009


Hello everyone, it's me; Shea! We are back home and doing well. I want to send a BIG thank you filled with hugs and kisses to all those of you who have been praying for our family, for those of you who came to sit with us at the hospital, for those of you who came to visit Addison in the hospital and at home, for those of you who called...sent cards...lit candles...and kept us in your daily thoughts and prayers, for those of you who have brought dinners, for those of you who stayed over night with us in the hospital, for those of you who traveled from another state to be here with us, Dr. Bailey and his team of doctors and nurses we call Angels, and most importantly to our Heavenly Father who has always stood by our side even when we didn't know he was there...thank you for guiding Dr. Bailey and his team in a successful surgery on our special gift, Addison; which you have entrusted us to take care of for you.

Addison is happy to be home and is sleeping much better than in the noisy, pokey, proddy, nose suctioning hospital. Although they were all so awesome poor Addison would flinch every time one of her nurses walked over to her with gloves on. They did what they had to do and took great care of my baby. After 3 days in the hospital, low grade fevers, not eating, and suffering trauma to her throat from the intubation while fighting a new cold Addison quickly grew strong enough to come home. I think the visit with her big sister Peyton motivated her on Friday. That is when we got a glimpse of our Addie with her little smile and tongue sticking out. We are so happy to have her home but I think she is the happiest!

Here is our story in pictures...

The Night Before Surgery

Surgery Day 2/1/09

Observation 7:00am

Dr. Beautiful (named by my cousin Stephanie) taking Addie into surgery 8:30am

This is the message we received on our pager to let us know that she was out of surgery..."Addison is in unit 5800. You may join her there please." close to 12:41pm

Unit 5800, Addies out of surgery...

The card from Peyton's school (SCA)...we LOVE them! She also brought cards from every child in her first grade class.

Dr. Bailey and us...

On the road to recovery...

Visit with Sister...

Look at what they did to me sister!

Leave it up to Peyton to get that tounge out :O)

Yeah...Sisters here...that makes me happy

Going Home today!

How do you get this stuff off?

Bye Bye everyone

Thank you 5800

Just for fun I wanted to share two special pictures that hang on the wall of the 7th floor of LLCH. The first one is of Dr. Bailey with his first heart transplant babies. The second is of Dr. Bailey and the surgical staff on the helipad holding heart shaped cards.