Thursday, January 28, 2010

Building a Snowman is hard work!

How many people does it take to build a snowman?

Robbi, Randilynn, Stephanie, Travis, Peyton, and Aiden started building a snowman outside. Jason was packing to leave for Vegas, and I was in the house with Addison. After finally bundling up the baby and layering myself I headed outside excited to see how far everyone had got. This is what I saw...

Hmmm, what happened? This is what he is supposed to look like after he melts...not before he is built! Anyone who knows me knows that there is no way he is going to stay like that LOL. Pooped out no one wanted to finish but I was determined to get this thing looking somewhat like a snowman, even if it was a mini one. O my goodness! I had no idea how much stinkin work it was to make a big snowball on top of another snowball. Luckily everyone pitched in and we all managed to get it done. The end result...a mini snowman...cute...but mini.

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